Thursday, July 3, 2008

I am God -You are.
You are God - I am

That is the greatest message there is. That is the God essence that impermeates every single human being, every single being and every single thing. That is the God essence giving rise to all and everything. That is God's Voice, the Master Voice in everyone of us.

It took me a lifetime to unearth the message from under the messy entanglements of my human life, it took me a life lived with the knowledge that all human problems and eternal questions are challenges that can be - and need to be - faced and solved. There cannot be anything that we humans have created that we cannot undo and recreate. That I knew in the heart of my heart - I just needed to figure out how to do it.

It took me a lifetime to figure out this message and to really understand what "I am God - You are" means. I was numb to it, even though I somehow knew it. I sought for somebody to say it to me, I sought for the acknowledgement from outside of myself. I sought it from the men and women of my world, I sought is from my father, from my mother, from my teachers, from my wives and even from my children. I sought the God from outside of my self.

Many times I thought that I had found the God I needed to find. Every time I was eventually thoroughly disappointed with the God that I had found - whether it was a God of home, religion, science or philosophy. Every single God that I could find had a hidden fatal flaw, something that could not measure to the ideal of God that I carried within myself.

And that was the clue that finally gave me the key to the mystery of my being, " the ideal of God within myself". The God of the world can never measure to the ideal within, for God can only be found from within. God is the ideal that we all carry within us. God is the ideal that we all are, the totality of all life seeking its creative expression through every single being and thing that exists, has existed or is ever going to exists.

God is all and everything, the wholeness of all life pouring out through us in an eternal flow of creation. We - every single one - govern this flow individually through the action of our thoughts. What we think is what we get. What we hold on as ours - consciously or unconsciously - becomes the life that we get to live. Or the life that we live is the mirror of all our own creative thoughts maintained in the recesses of our mind. I am the God - the Creator - that I have sought. I am the mind that in its infinite love maintains all my worlds just the way I want them - just the way I think them to be.

I am God - You are. "I am" is the potentiality of all and everything - it is the creative vibrating energy of the Universe waiting to be expressed in all the possible forms. "God" is the greatest ideal that we can ever think and express, "God" is the biggest dream, the only vision that can ever unite all the possible expressions of itself. "You are" is Gods chosen expression, "You are" what God in you has chosen to feel, think and create. "You are" is God in action, God's creation going on in eternity.

You are God - I am. You are what I am, an individual expression of the creative principle "I am". You and I are equals, we are God expressing itself through a human form - however we ever choose to express the God that we are. "I am" is the way, the truth and life, the common source of all Gods and all of their creations. "I am" is the source and the primal mover of all created beings and things. "I am" is God's energy formed and expressed through all the thoughts that we can think of, through all the deeds we have ever thought of and through all the things that we have ever made or achieved in life. "I am " is the Life itself within each and everyone of us.

"I am" is God within. "I am" is the source we first need to acknowledge and realise in ourselves in order to ever see the selfsame God in the "I am" of your being. You and I - all of us - we are Gods struggling to remember our eternal being, Gods relearning to be and express what we have always been and shall ever be, Gods creating and expressing all the possible worlds within the Oneness of our own being.

We are all Gods - God expessing itself in human form. That is what I am, that is what you are, God in a human form.

Klaus Ra

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